- Over the years, the membership became more broad-based with persons drawn, inter alia, from industries, business organizations, media, research and development organizations, and educational institutions. EAB has grown considerably and now boasts of a membership of over 160 environmentalists.
- The founder-members observed that the Glass House of the famous Lalbagh Garden in Bangalore is a well-known and easily recognizable symbol. Hence, it was adopted as the emblem of the Environment Association of Bangalore (EAB). The founder members also made the EAB an affiliate of the Indian Environmental Association, Mumbai and the Water Environment Federation, USA. This was done so that there would be access to the
latest technology and ideas elsewhere in India and the world. Further, the affiliation would also provide opportunities to members of EAB to participate in seminars, workshops, etc. elsewhere. - The day-to-day matters of the EAB are managed by a Board of Directors, which is elected by the General Body for a three-year term.
- EAB also has an Advisory Council with eminent persons being invited to become members.