The principal objectives of EAB are set out below:
- To advance fundamental knowledge of water and environment, their basic qualities and the physical laws governing their interaction with aesthetic, economic and biological needs of the Earth's inhabitants.
- To advance practical knowledge in the technology, design, construction, operation and management of water quality control systems and facilities and related issues.
- To increase the understanding of the nature and function of the Earth's natural eco systems, encourage and promote actions necessary to preserve and enhance them.
- To exchange information and experience among its members and other interested persons through organization of symposia, conferences and exhibitions as well as through various publications.
- To promote public understanding and encourage sound regional policies in matters relating to environmental issues including surface and sub-surface water.
- To improve the professional status of all personnel engaged in any aspects of environmental issues including but not limited to the design, management and operation of water quality control systems.
- To stimulate public awareness, undertake studies, recommend solutions to problems.